Abrasive Sanding Blocks With Foam Core, Fine/Medium and Medium/Coarse Grades

Abrasive Sanding Blocks With Foam Core, Fine/Medium and Medium/Coarse Grades

SKU: SKU:SM-1600

Regular price £1.88
Regular price Sale price £1.88
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Unit price: £1.88

Product Description

Foam core coated sanding block with two grades of abrasives.  Suitable for use on wood, metal and plastic.  Each of these sanding blocks has a coarser grade (one side and one edge) and a finer side (the opposite side and edge).

These sanding blocks are a convenient size to grip, and the foam core has just the right level of ‘squish’ to allow the active sanding area to conform to the gentle curvature of your boat’s exterior and interior woodwork.  Ideal for use on flat, uneven and contoured surfaces.

  • Choice of two grades
  • Block size 98mm x 70mm x 24mm

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